Accounting, salaries and wages, insurance, marketing and many more subjects are an area of everyday business life for all our member companies and economical organisations. Gilde Service GmbH situated in Frankfurt / Main was founded in 2010 to relieve the companies from their administrative tasks and to give them competent support.
Companies using the services of Gilde Service appreciate particularly the thorough knowledge of the meat trade sector. Out-sourcing the paperwork gives you time at last to concentrate again on your core-business.

Key services of Gilde Service
Gilde Service GmbH is a company by ZENTRAG, the Central Cooperative of the European Meat Trade.
Here you get an over-view of all the services of Gilde Service GmbH:
- Payroll transition for salaries and wages
- Operation of financial accounting
- Preparation of annual accounts
- Business consultancy
- Evaluations and market analyses
- Application of powerful framework agreements, especially at the R+V insurance company
- IT-network consultancy
- Assistance with marketing activities